
Below the Belt: Genital Talk by Men of Trans Experience
While it’s a distinct offering from its predecessor Hung Jury, Below the Belt continues the important dialogue about gender identity and genitals, providing trans men and our friends and loved ones with deep insight into this aspect of our journeys to manhood.

Hung Jury: Testimonies of Genital Surgery by Transsexual Men
Hung Jury is the first book ever published of personal essays focusing exclusively on FTM transsexual genital surgeries. Stories document the ups and downs, sexual and psychological aspects, and the overall life-changing nature of SRS.

The Packer Showdown, Part II
Part II of TransGuys.com’s Packer Showdown takes an in-depth look at two different FTM packers: the Sailor Soft Pack from Good Vibrations and the Pack-Man from Come As You Are.

Survey: Understanding Genital Interventions in Transgender Men and Nonbinary People
Researchers are conducting a survey that’s designed to better understand the medical and surgical experiences of transgender men and nonbinary people (AFAB). In this interview, Gaines Parker, a research associate at NYU Langone’s Transgender Surgery Program who helped lead the survey design, sheds some light on why this first-of-its-kind survey is so important.
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Roundup: Trans Clothing Swaps
Let’s face it: transition ain’t cheap, and often overlooked are the costs of overhauling your wardrobe. While thrift shops and skill with a needle and thread will get you far in terms of expense, the shopping experience can be intimidating. Enter: The Trans Clothing Swap.
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STP Packer Giveaway: The EZP by Transthetics
TransGuys.com is giving away an EZP by Transthetics. One lucky winner will receive one of these premium silicone stand-to-pee packers!
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The Ultimate Guide to STP – Updated for 2019
For a lot of trans guys being able to stand to pee (STP) is an important rite of passage. Adopting this socialized male behavior can be liberating, alleviating anxiety around bathrooms, and make one feel more whole and complete. Find out about STP devices and STP packers.
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Is Long-term Testosterone Treatment Safe?
If you’ve ever worried about the possible long-term effects of being on Testosterone, you can relax because science has your back.
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Julian Morris Shares His New Voice With “All of Us”
The latest efforts from the talented singer-songwriter from Portland, Oregon, Julian Morris, represent a major reclamation of his voice.
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Testosterone and the Trans Male Singing Voice
There's an uncertainty to voice changes on Testosterone–a terrifying prospect for singers. Are there ways of easing the transition of the FTM singing voice? Find out here!

The Complete Guide to Surgery Scar Care
Find out about the best ways to reduce the appearance of surgery scars in this comprehensive guide.

A Brief History of FTM Trans Civilization
Learning about those who came before us, it's hard not to feel great respect for these pioneers, most of whom faced extreme prejudice and risked their lives to be true to themselves.

Trans Cervical Health Primer
The latest information and resources to help trans guys stay on top of cervical health are all rolled into this one-stop primer.

10 Ways to Make Intramuscular Testosterone Injections Less Painful
This review of scientific studies sets the record straight on minimizing post-injection pain from IM injections.

Chest Binding 101 - Updated for 2017!
Chest Binding 101 is your guide to how to bind safely, where to get a chest binder, how to choose a binder that best suits you, and how to put on your binder.

Trans Men: Back to Jamaica
Jamaica has been characterized as one of the most transphobic countries in the world. BBC Newsbeat followed two transgender friends, Steffan and Romario, on a journey from the UK back to Jamaica to reveal their new identities to their families. Watch now!

TDOV: America In Transition
In honor of International Transgender Day of Visibility, global streaming network Revry will premiere the award-winning, Sundance-backed documentary series America in Transition, a Revry Original that explores the community, family, and social issues of trans people of color across in the United States.

Resume Writing Video Workshop for TransGuys
Get solid job search tips and information about how to write your resume persuasively, as well as grounded advice about “stealthing” in the age of social media.